
Aktu­el­le Artikel

Gie­se L, See­ber F, Aebi­scher A, Kuh­nert R, Schlaud M, Stark K, Wil­king H. Sero­pr­e­va­lence of Toxo­plas­ma gon­dii-infec­tions and asso­cia­ted fac­tors in fema­le child­ren and ado­le­s­cents in Ger­ma­ny. Emerg Infect Dis 2024; 30 (5): 995–999. doi:10.3201/eid3005.231045

Mer­cu­ri E, Schmid L, Poeth­ko-Mül­ler C, Schlaud M, Kuß­maul C, Ordo­nez-Cruicks­hank A, Hal­ler S, Rex­roth U, Hamou­da O, Schaa­de L, Wie­ler LH, Göß­wald A, Schaf­frath Rosa­rio A on behalf of the RKI-SOEP‑2 Stu­dy Group. Nati­on­wi­de popu­la­ti­on-based infec­tion- and vac­ci­ne-indu­ced SARS-CoV‑2 sero­pr­e­va­lence in Ger­ma­ny in autumn/​winter 2021/​2022. Euro­sur­veil­lan­ce 2024: in press.

Sper­le-Heu­pel I, Gil­les­berg Las­sen S, Schlaud M, Dör­re A, Dudar­e­va S, Poeth­ko-Mül­ler C, Har­der T. Pre­va­lence of vac­ci­ne-deri­ved hepa­ti­tis B sur­face anti­bo­dies in child­ren and ado­le­s­cents in Ger­ma­ny: results from a popu­la­ti­on-based sur­vey, 2014–2017. BMC Infect Dis 2024; 24: 318. doi:10.1186/s12879-024–09201‑7

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