Arti­kel 2022

Bar­tig S, Brü­cker H, But­scha­low­sky H, Dan­ne C, Göß­wald A, Goß­ner L, Grab­ka MM, Hal­ler S, Hess D, Hey I, Hoe­bel J, Jor­dan S, Kubisch U, Nie­hues W, Poeth­ko-Muel­ler C, Priem M, Rother N, Schaa­de L, Schaf­frath Rosa­rio A, Schlaud M, Sie­gert M, Stahl­berg S, Stein­hau­er HW, Tanis K, Tor­re­gro­za S, Trübs­wet­ter P, Wer­nitz J, Wie­ler LH, Wil­king H, Zinn S. Coro­na Moni­to­ring Nati­on­wi­de (RKI-SOEP‑2): sero­epi­de­mio­lo­gi­cal stu­dy on the spread of SARS-CoV‑2 across Ger­ma­ny. J Econ Stat 2022. doi:10.1515/jbnst-2022–0047

Gas­sow­ski M, Poeth­ko-Mül­ler C, Schlaud M, Sai­ler A, Deh­mel K, Bre­mer V, Dudar­e­va S, Jan­sen K, and The Chla­my­dia Trachoma­tis Labo­ra­to­ry Sen­ti­nel Team. Pre­va­lence of Chla­my­dia trachoma­tis in the gene­ral popu­la­ti­on in Ger­ma­ny – a tri­an­gu­la­ti­on of data from two popu­la­ti­on-based health sur­veys and a labo­ra­to­ry sen­ti­nel sys­tem. BMC Public Health 2022; 22: 1107. doi:10.1186/s12889-022–13456‑7

Mac­Far­la­ne ME, Thomp­son JMD, Wil­son J, Law­ton B, Tay­lor B, Elder DE, Bak­er N, McDo­nald GK, Zuc­col­lo J, Schlaud M, Fle­ming P, Mit­chell EA. Infant sleep hazards and the risk of sud­den unex­pec­ted death in infan­cy (SUDI). J Pediatr 2022. doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2022.01.044

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