Arti­kel 2023

Böhm S, Wou­den­berg T, Stark K, Böh­mer MM, Katz K, Kuh­nert R, Schlaud M, Fin­ger­le V, Wil­king H. Sero­pr­e­va­lence, ser­o­con­ver­si­on and sero­re­ver­si­on of Bor­re­lia burg­dor­fe­ri-spe­ci­fic IgG anti­bo­dies using two popu­la­ti­on-based stu­dies in child­ren and ado­le­s­cents in Ger­ma­ny (KiGGS), 2003–2006 and 2014–2017. Euro Sur­veill 2023; 28 (34): pii=2200855. doi:10.2807/1560–7917.ES.2023.28.34.2200855

Hei­de­mann C, Sar­ga­nas G, Du Y, Gaert­ner B, Poeth­ko-Mül­ler C, Cohr­des C, Schmidt S, Schlaud M, Scheidt-Nave C. Long-term health con­se­quen­ces among indi­vi­du­als with SARS-CoV‑2 infec­tion com­pared to indi­vi­du­als wit­hout infec­tion: Results of the popu­la­ti­on-based cohort stu­dy CoMo­Lo Fol­low-up. BMC Public Health 2023; 23: 1587. doi:10.1186/s12889-023–16524‑8

Kubisch U, San­do­ni A, Wurm J, Schien­kie­witz A, Schlaud M, Kut­tig T, Fin­kel B, Jor­dan S, Loss J. SARS-CoV‑2: Ser­o­con­ver­si­on in day­ca­re-aged child­ren com­pared to adults. Results of a lon­gi­tu­di­nal stu­dy in Ger­ma­ny in 2020 and 2021. Com­mun Med 2023; 3: 124. doi:10.1038/s43856-023–00352‑3

Mer­cu­ri E, Schmid L, Poeth­ko-Mül­ler C, Schlaud M, Kuß­maul C, Ordo­nez-Cruicks­hank A, Hal­ler S, Rex­roth U, Hamou­da O, Schaa­de L, Wie­ler LH, Göß­wald A, Schaf­frath Rosa­rio A, and the RKI-SOEP‑2 Stu­dy Group. Nati­on­wi­de popu­la­ti­on-based infec­tion- and vac­ci­ne-indu­ced SARS-CoV‑2 sero­pr­e­va­lence in Ger­ma­ny at the end of 2021. Pre­print. MedRvix 2023. doi:10.1101/2023.10.30.23297594

Offer­geld R, Preu­ßel K, Zei­ler T, Aurich K, Bau­mann-Baret­ti BI, Cie­sek S, Cor­man VM, Dienst V, Dros­ten C, Görg S, Greinacher A, Gros­se­ges­se M, Hal­ler S, Heuft HG, Hof­mann N, Horn PA, Hou­areau C, Güleç I, Jimé­nez Kling­berg CL, Juhl D, Lin­de­mann M, Mar­tin S, Neu­hau­ser HK, Nit­sche A, Ohme J, Pei­ne S, Sachs UJ, Schaa­de L, Schä­fer R, Schei­blau­er H, Schlaud M, Schmidt M, Umhau M, Voll­mer T, Wag­ner FF, Wie­ler LH, Wil­king H, Zie­mann M, Zim­mer­mann M, an der Hei­den MA. Moni­to­ring the SARS-CoV‑2 pan­de­mic: pre­va­lence of anti­bo­dies in a lar­ge, repe­ti­ti­ve cross-sec­tion­al stu­dy of blood donors in Ger­ma­ny – results from the SeBlu­Co stu­dy 2020–2022. Patho­gens 2023; 12 (4): 551. doi:10.3390/pathogens12040551

Poeth­ko-Mül­ler C, Ordo­nez-Cruicks­hank A, Nübel J, Sar­ga­nas G, Göß­wald A, Schmid L, Schaf­frath Rosa­rio A, Hoe­bel J, Schlaud M, Scheidt-Nave C. Pre­va­lence of Long COVID-asso­cia­ted sym­ptoms in adults with and wit­hout SARS-CoV‑2 infec­tion in Ger­ma­ny: Results of the popu­la­ti­on-based stu­dy „Coro­na Moni­to­ring Nati­on­wi­de 2021/​22” (RKI-SOEP‑2). Pre­print. medrxiv:2023.09.12.23295426v1

Stern D, Mey­er TC, Treindl F, Mages HW, Krü­ger M, Ski­ba M, Krü­ger JP, Zobel CM, Schrei­ner M, Gros­se­ges­se M, Rin­ner T, Pei­ne C, Sto­li­ar­off Pépin A, Har­der T, Hof­mann N, Michel J, Nit­sche A, Stahl­berg S, Kneu­er A, San­do­ni A, Kubisch U, Schlaud M, Man­kertz A, Schwarz T, Cor­man VM, Mül­ler MA, Dros­ten C, de la Rosa K, Schaa­de L, Dor­ner MB, Dor­ner BG. A bead‑based mul­ti­plex assay cove­ring all coro­na­vi­ru­s­es patho­ge­nic for humans for sen­si­ti­ve and spe­ci­fic sur­veil­lan­ce of SARS‑CoV‑2 humo­ral immu­ni­ty. Sci Rep 2023; 13: 21846. doi:10.1038/s41598-023–48581‑9

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