Arti­kel 2012

Brock­mann PE, Urs­chitz MS, Schlaud M, Poets CF. Pri­ma­ry sno­ring in school child­ren: pre­va­lence and neu­ro­co­gni­ti­ve impairm­ents. Sleep Breath 2012; 16: 23–29. doi:10.1007/s11325-011‑0480‑6

Deh­nert M, Fin­ger­le V, Klier C, Tal­as­ka T, Schlaud M, Krau­se G, Wil­king H, Pog­gen­see G. Sero­po­si­ti­vi­ty of Lyme bor­re­lio­sis and asso­cia­ted risk fac­tors: a popu­la­ti­on-based stu­dy in child­ren and ado­le­s­cents in Ger­ma­ny (KiGGS). PLoS ONE 2012; 7 (8): e41321. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041321

Du Y, Ellert U, Lam­pert T, Men­sink G, Schlaud M. Asso­cia­ti­on of breast­fee­ding and expo­sure to mate­r­nal smo­king during pregnan­cy with children’s gene­ral health sta­tus later in child­hood. Breast­feed Med 2012; 7: 504–513. doi:10.1089/bfm.2011.0138

Fuchs T, Eschen­beck H, Krug S, Schlaud M, Kohl­mann CW. Per­cep­ti­on makes the dif­fe­rence: The asso­cia­ti­on of actu­al and per­cei­ved weight sta­tus with self-repor­ted and parent-repor­ted per­so­nal resour­ces and well-being in ado­le­s­cents. Appl Psy­chol Health Well­be­ing 2012; 4 (3): 321–340. doi:10.1111/j.1758–0854.2012.01077.x

Gen­un­eit J, Gra­ben­hen­rich L, Krä­mer U, Cra­mer C, Schlaud M (für die Arbeits­grup­pe „Epi­de­mio­lo­gie all­er­gi­scher und der­ma­to­lo­gi­scher Erkran­kun­gen” der Deut­schen Gesell­schaft für Epi­de­mio­lo­gie). Epi­de­mio­lo­gi­sche For­schung zu all­er­gi­schen Erkran­kun­gen in Deutsch­land: eine Chro­no­lo­gie. All­er­go­lo­gie 2012; 35: 3–10. doi:10.5414/alx01456

Höl­ling H, Schlack R, Kamt­si­uris P, But­scha­low­sky H, Schlaud M, Kurth BM. Die KiGGS-Stu­die: Bun­des­weit reprä­sen­ta­ti­ve Längs- und Quer­schnitt­stu­die zur Gesund­heit von Kin­dern und Jugend­li­chen im Rah­men des Gesund­heits­mo­ni­to­rings am Robert-Koch-Insti­tut. Bun­des­ge­sund­heits­bl 2012, 55: 836–842. doi:10.1007/s00103-012‑1486‑3

Kuh­nert R, Schlaud M, Hecker H. Eva­lua­ti­on stra­te­gies for case series: is Cox regres­si­on an alter­na­ti­ve to the self-con­trol­led case series method for ter­mi­nal events? Adv Stat Anal 2012; 96: 467–492. doi:10.1007/s10182-011‑0187‑9

Kuh­nert R, Schlaud M, Poeth­ko-Mül­ler C, Ven­ne­mann M, Fle­ming P, Blair PS, Mit­chell E, Thomp­son J, Hecker H. Reana­ly­ses of case-con­trol stu­dies exami­ning the tem­po­ral asso­cia­ti­on bet­ween sud­den infant death syn­dro­me and vac­ci­na­ti­on. Vac­ci­ne 2012; 30 (13): 2349–2356. doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2012.01.043

Krug S, Jekauc D, Poeth­ko-Mül­ler C, Woll A, Schlaud M. Zum Zusam­men­hang zwi­schen kör­per­li­cher Akti­vi­tät und Gesund­heit bei Kin­dern und Jugend­li­chen. Bun­des­ge­sund­heits­bl 2012; 55: 111–120. doi:10.1007/s00103-011‑1391‑1

Schmitz R, Atz­po­di­en K, Schlaud M. Pre­va­lence and risk fac­tors of ato­pic dise­a­ses in Ger­man child­ren and ado­le­s­cents – fin­dings from the Ger­man Health Inter­view and Exami­na­ti­on Sur­vey for Child­ren and Ado­le­s­cents (KiGGS). Pediatr Aller­gy Immu­nol 2012; 23 (8): 716–23. doi:10.1111/j.1399–3038.2012.01342.x

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