Abs­tracts 2002

Fie­ge E, Urs­chitz MS, Guen­ther A, Urs­chitz-Duprat PM, Schlaud M, Poets CF. Habi­tu­al sno­ring, sleep pro­blems and school per­for­mance in pri­ma­ry school child­ren. Som­no­lo­gie 2002; 6 (Sup­pl. 1): 30.

Guen­ther A, Urs­chitz MS, Fie­ge E, Urs­chitz-Duprat PM, Schlaud M, Poets CF. Habi­tu­al sno­ring and asso­cia­ted sym­ptoms in pri­ma­ry school child­ren. Som­no­lo­gie 2002; 6 (Sup­pl 1): 9.

Madisch A, Weihs C, Schlaud M, Heimann D, Mey­er H, Hotz J. The Body Mass Index (BMI) has no impact on the fre­quen­cy of typi­cal reflux sym­ptoms-Results of a nati­on­wi­de informing cam­paign-based tele­pho­ne sur­vey in Ger­ma­ny. Abs­tract. J Gas­tro­en­te­rol Hepa­tol 2002; 17 (Sup­pl): A787.

Madisch A, Weihs C, Schlaud M, Heimann D, Mey­er H, Hotz J. Sub­jects with Gas­tro­oeso­pha­ge­al Reflux Dise­a­se (GERD) – Are the­re dif­fe­ren­ces in soci­ode­mo­gra­phic cha­rac­te­ristics and qua­li­ty of life? Results of a nati­on­wi­de informing cam­paign-based tele­pho­ne sur­vey in Ger­ma­ny. Abs­tract. J Gas­tro­en­te­rol Hepa­tol 2002; 17 (Sup­pl): A409.

Moss DM, Urs­chitz MS, Nöh­ren A, Urs­chitz-Duprat PM, Schlaud M, Poets CF. Refe­rence values for ambu­la­to­ry sleep stu­dies in child­ren. Ped Res 2002; 52 (5): 816.

Urs­chitz MS, Guen­ther A, Wolff J, Moss D, Urs­chitz-Duprat PM, Schlaud M, Poets CF. Pre­va­lence of sleep-dis­or­de­red breathing in pri­ma­ry school child­ren. Som­no­lo­gie 2002; 6 (Sup­pl 1): 30.

Urs­chitz MS, Wolff J, Einem V von , Urs­chitz-Duprat PM, Schlaud M, Poets CF. Refe­rence values for noc­turnal pul­se oxi­me­ter satu­ra­ti­on in child­ren. Ped Res 2002; 52 (5): 795.

Urs­chitz MS, Wolff J, Von Einem V, Urs­chitz-Duprat PM, Schlaud M, Poets CF. Refe­rence values for noc­turnal home pul­se oxi­me­try in pri­ma­ry school child­ren. Som­no­lo­gie 2002; 6 (Sup­pl 1): 13.

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