Arti­kel 1999

Klee­mann WJ, Schlaud M, Fie­guth A, Hil­ler AS, Rot­hä­mel T, Trö­ger HD. Body and head posi­ti­on, cove­ring of the head by bed­ding and risk of sud­den infant death (SID). Int J Legal Med 1999; 112: 22–26.

Peter CS, Feu­er­hahn M, Bohn­horst B, Schlaud M, Zie­sing S, von der Hardt H, Poets CF. Necro­ti­sing ente­ro­co­li­tis: is the­re a rela­ti­onship to spe­ci­fic patho­gens? Eur J Pediatr 1999; 158: 67–70.

Schlaud M, Eber­hard C, Tru­mann B, Klee­mann WJ, Poets CF, Tiet­ze KW, Schwartz FW. Pre­va­lence and deter­mi­nants of the pro­ne slee­ping posi­ti­on in infants: results from two cross-sec­tion­al stu­dies on risk fac­tors for SIDS in Ger­ma­ny. Am J Epi­de­mi­ol 1999; 150: 51–57. [Arti­kel]

Schlaud M, Haa­se I, Hoop­mann M, Kurtz C, Lis­ting L, Raum E, Seid­ler A, Weß­ling A, Brand­städ­ter W, Robra B‑P, Schwartz FW. Beob­ach­tungs­pra­xen in Sach­sen-Anhalt – Ein Über­blick über das Pro­jekt MORBUS‑A. Ärz­tebl Sachs-Anh 1999; 10: 46–49.

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