Pos­ter 2022

Sper­le-Heu­pel I, Gil­les­berg Las­sen S, Schlaud M, Dudar­e­va S, Poeth­ko-Mül­ler C, Har­der T. Sero­pr­e­va­lence of vac­ci­ne-deri­ved Hepa­ti­tis B anti­bo­dies in Ger­ma­ny: results from the Ger­man Health Sur­vey for Child­ren and Ado­le­s­cents, 2014–2017. Pos­ter auf der Online-Tagung Viral Hepa­ti­tis Eli­mi­na­ti­on 2022 der Euro­pean Asso­cia­ti­on for the Stu­dy of the Liver (EASL) am 24.–25.02.2022. [Down­load]

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